New Zealand Citizens



If you arrived in Australia from New Zealand after 26 February 2001 you are almost certainly NOT a Permanent Resident or citizen of Australia?

DO NOT BELIEVE IT? It is true.

New Zealanders coming after this have been given a Non-Protected and Temporary Special Category Visa Subclass 444(SCV 444) on arrival at the airport. You may not realise that you only have a TEMPORARY visa (We can check your immigration status for you… FREE!)

What does this mean? You can live and work in Australia forever but you are still only a temporary resident. There are some important benefits (unemployment benefits and University fee help are examples) that you will not get and regardless of how long you are here you CANNOT get Citizenship directly from this visa. This is the same for migrants from any country. Yes, you can live and work here but you do not have any long term certainty against immigration law changes.

Were your children born in Australia? If you arrived after 26 February 2001 and you have children born here they generally will NOT be entitled to Permanent Residency and Citizenship. There may be exceptions so check with us.

Some things I hear you say:

“I pay taxes”. True but so do ALL temporary migrants. You use the roads, access hospitals, are protected by police, all the things taxes pay for. This doesn’t mean you can be a citizen. Sorry.

“But NZ allows Australian to access social welfare”. This may be true but every country makes its own laws, Australia and New Zealand are separate sovereign nations.

“We are long term mates, cousins, brothers”.   True but so are the English, Americans (maybe second cousins in this case) and Canadians. These other countries do not have the benefit of arriving and staying for ever. Visitors cannot work here.

Some issues we find:

Generally New Zealanders who were born in NZ of English heritage do not like to pay for Australian visas or advice. This is blunt but true. I can say this as a New Zealand born Australian citizen. (I was born in Te Aroha and am proudly both Kiwi and Ozzy). This appears to come from the view most have that they are entitled to free access into Australia and is the reason most stay as Temporary Residents.

Generally, New Zealanders who are foreign born, I.e. India, China and many of the “less fortunate” countries are willing to think long term and pay for visas and advice. I see many who are now citizens of both countries because they took the view that citizenship of Australia was valuable for their children.

Latest news:   Had problems with the law in New Zealand or significant health issues?

Behaviour concern and health concern New Zealanders arriving in Australia. Take note:

Have you got a New Zealand conviction of 12 months or more, even fully suspended? Have you overstayed in any other country? If you haven’t yet arrived in Australia it is possible you may not be allowed to enter Australia when you arrive at an Australian airport. You may be sent back on the next flight.

The Government has recently started implementing long standing laws about Kiwis with criminal convictions of 12 months or more, even if fully suspended. Generally this means you must leave Australia if already here or not arrive without another visa.

What can you do?

There are some ways to overcome the conviction but you need proper advice and guidance. It is possible and in some cases not so difficult.

  1. If you are in Australia on the Kiwi visa and get a conviction of 12 months or more you almost certainly be detained and sent home.
  2. If you arrive you will almost certainly not be allowed to enter.

In BOTH cases contact me as it is probable I can find a solution.

We can advise you about your Australian Immigration options. Citizenship has many important benefits and you don’t even have to stop supporting the All Blacks!!! How good is that? (But you may have to have an operation to fix that accent… Sorry!!)

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